成立一个组织去帮助别人,你会focus on 哪个领域


Tell me a time when there is a bully on your team. What is the outcome and what had you learnt?
Tell me about experience when one member in your team took credit over he/she deserved, what outcome? what did you learn?
Tell me about a time when you received more credit than you deserved for a successful group project. What was the outcome and what did you learn?
Tell me about a time when you had to scrap everything and start from scratch halfway through a project. What was the outcome and what did you learn?.
Tell me about a time when you had completed a project and believed it was fabulous!  Then you found out that you misunderstood the assignment.  What was the outcome and what did you learn?
一段你得到的worse than 你预期的经历,结果和学到什么
Tell me about a time when you misunderstood expectations and had to improvise at the last minute. What was the outcome and what did you learn?
If you have a project of climate and global warming, how will you demonstrate to stockholders?
Talk about an experience in a group when one person wants to do all of the work. What was the outcome and what did you learn?
a time - disagree with your boss/mentor/teacher


If you are asked whether or not you could help solve the problem of the world, what will you respond?
If you want to live in a country where speaks language you don't know, where will you choose and why?
What is one thing that you really want to learn from a foreign culture. Why?
schedule an interview,选一个country,why
Which country do you want to live after 3 years of graduation? Why?
If you have unlimited funds and can travel to anywhere in the world, where do you want to go and why?
tell me about a time when you became lost while traveling in a country other than your own.  What was the outcome and what did you learn?
Imagine that your best friend offers you a job in a country other than your own.  Where would you want it to be, what job will it be, and why?
Imagine that you are asked whether or not you think it is important for students to learn that people from other cultures can have different values. How might you approach your answer to that question?
You are the team leader of a group. Your team members with different culture have the difficulties in understanding each other. What will you do? culture dispute。Imagine that you are trying to resolve a cultural dispute between two individuals of different cultures. What would you do and why?
do you think you are the citizen of the world?
tell us about a time when you think you are more qulified than your mentor , what's the outcome?

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