性名词(that, those)


The government of Country X is more stable than it was two years ago. (正确)

"It" = "the government of country X"

The government of Country X is more stable than that of Country Y. (正确)
"That" = "the government". NOT the government of country X. 

5、initial modifiers(句首修饰成分)


(MODIFIER1) + subject + ...

Having spent the last four hours posting on the forum, Ron needed to get up, straighten his back, and walk around for a while.(正确)

(MODIFIER1) + (more modifiers REFERRING TO MOD1) + subject + ... 

Having spent the last four hours posting on the forum, with his shoulders hunched over the keyboard, Ron needed to get up, straighten his back, and walk around for a while.(正确)

Having spent the last four hours posting on the forum, inevitably Ron needed to get up, straighten his back, and walk                  around for a while. (错误)

6、prep+noun.+v-ing vs prep+that+noun. + v-ing 的区别


I never heard of bees stinging dogs. (错误,I never heard of bees)

I never heard that bees sting dogs. (正确)

I have a picture of my cousin playing hockey. (正确,prep指代picture) 

7、like 只能用于类比,不可用于举例。when 只表示“当...时候”,不表示“当...”。if 只表示“如果”,不表示“是否”


Margaret Mead, the best-known anthropologist of the twentieth century, helped shape public opinion on fundamentally                  important areas like attitudes toward children and families, along with relative merits of competition and cooperation. (错误)

8、代词考点(Ron 的解法非常简单,与国内资料不同)

两个考点:1、是否有所指  2、单复数是否统一。

关于指代模糊的问题,只有在选项间用具体名词替换 it,they,them 等词的时候才需考虑。


more than, as (xxx times as many/much,  same as, just as with,  so...as to, such...as),  So (so that, so...as to, such...that)

关于逻辑 CR:楼主在这块上没有什么具体的知识点可讲。主要是一些方法论: 

First and foremosts, Ron 认为你不需要为 CR 学任何新的知识,一切从自己的理解出发。CR有加强、削弱;假设;黑脸(逻辑结构);补充 argument 等题型。Ron 认为,解决他们主要有两种思维:Real-world thinking 常识推断 和 formal thinking 偏应试的思维。


针对加强、削弱类题目,采用 real-world thinking,答案通常有两种:1、提供额外证据,2、填补逻辑上的空白(Ron 所说的 jump in logic),大部分来源于问题范围外 out of scope,不可预测,根据选项推断即可。

针对假设类题目,采用 formal thinking,一般在题目范围内 in scope,需要找到逻辑中的 gap,最好是读题能看出 gap,如果不行就根据选项推断。

对于黑脸题 bold face,最重要的是区分事实与判断。事实常用词:observation, evidence, development.判断常用词:conclusion, should, prediction, claim.两者均可词:premise, consideration, explanation, justification, support.注意主要结论 main conclusion 只存在于全段维护一个结论的情况下,如有反驳则无主要结

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