Rotman 面经 with Agnes [2019.02.09]
2019/3/21 17:23:55


  Why rotman ,other school applied
  Go through resume
  举个例子:在一个项目中 你本来不是领导,后来临时成为领导,怎么处理
  Short goals
  Biggest achievement
  Tell me about a time when professional networking helped you
  Deal with the situation that your teammate did not contribute
  You want to share I didn’t ask
  Your questions

问题 CD 上差不多都覆盖了。

说到一半的时候,Agnes 说我是不是说太多细节了,要我说快一点,这样可以问更多问题。然后之后的三个问题,楼主说得奇快无比。最后面完,虽然说的慢,看时间才面了30分钟,楼主感觉要凉了……希望对大家有帮助,大家加油!

楼主今年申请季,差不多结束了,目前收到了另外几个 MBA。多大其实早就收到了拒信,之前一个月心情郁闷,难以自拔,突然觉得还是可以把经验放上来给大家分享的。

我通过 wechat 问了问 Agnes 觉得我失败的原因是什么,以及有什么可以改进的地方。以下是她的回复,虽然有些内容可能比较官方吧 ,但是还是符合我多大面试的基本情况的,作为经验写上来,希望对之后及明年申请的同学有帮助。

I'm glad to hear that you are proactive in seeking advice. First, I want to thank you for your hard work put into the application. In terms of the decision, it is not only from the interview but an overall assessment of all informaiton submitted as part of the application.  Certainly a large part is also to assess the English communication skills of any candidate (written and spoken). I would say in general, you can find ways to improve your spoken and written English. In the interview, it is not because you provided too much details and thus making the interview not go well. Often times it is your articulation that can be improved and thus you can therefore be more clear with how you describe an example, showcase your skillsets better with a concise message if you have a higher spoken English level (i.e. articulation, tone, choice of words, pronunciation, vocabs) and thus overall fluency. Similarly, the same applies to the video questions on Kira. And the same also applies to your effectiveness in English writing. All in all, if you want to give it another try to re-apply next year, you are certainly welcome as some students do that and then can get in after working hard to improve on certain areas. In your case, English communication would be an area to improve on and enhance your speaking ability and fluency in preparing for another application next year. Since you only worked 3 years so far, yo can still have time to prepare as many of our candidates are in the average of 4-5 years of work experiences. Another tip is to get on client work that requires English and so you can have more practice speaking and writing English to incresae fluency as it will be needed for any MBA program.


1. 多大是我面试的第一个学校,可能有紧张的因素,卡壳了几次,虽然演练了2-3次吧。那天 Skype video 特别模糊,我就用 wechat 在手机上面试的,手机屏幕真挺小的,所以我觉得面试互动啥的还是受影响的,建议大家之后面试还是尽量用电脑面交流会好一些。


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