成都F-1 3000被剧
2006/12/21 11:24:00

本人情况:去读本,有奖学金$7000 USNEWS TOP 90左右学校。
今天到了以后大厅一直没开灯,于是吵闹成一片,9: 30开始签证了。最开始签证是商务和探亲,而后是学生,我前面在其大内那里的几个学生签证(全是N签)都被拒了,他们几乎都是问的一样的常规问题,然后毫无反抗的拒了,10点喊的我:
ME: Merry coming Chrismas!
VO: put you finger~~~
VO: You will study in USA?
ME: yes
VO: which university?
ME: University of XXX.
Vo: Why this one?
ME: The university of XXX is a prestigious public university in the USA and their marketing department ranks 18 among the whole USA .I believe it’s very helpful to my future career in China.
VO: Have you taken Gaokao?
ME: Yes.
VO: So what’s your father do?
ME: My father is …and also a well-known Chinese marketing expert in China. My mother is …
VO:  (和前两个人一样的问题问完了一样翻开护照拿起章准备盖,之前一直面无表情打电脑)
ME:Hold on a moment ,Sir.This is my third time,I’d really appreciated if you give me a chance to talk.
VO: 忽然认真起来看我并且很认真的说:OK.
ME: Thank you. This time I have maily two changes: 1 is that my family provide X00,000 yuan as a evident that we have strong family ability .Also this time I have a brand new understanding about my future plan. Would you like to hear,Sir?
VO: Sure.(非常认真的看我)
ME: My pleasure.After graduation from the USA I will come back to China to join some big enterprises’ marketing department or some professional marketing company like Southern China .My short time goal is to be a successful marketing manager as my father and long time goal I’m ambitious to be CEO in China.
VO:  Ok continue
ME: thanks .When I come back to China ,my overseas study background and English profeciencty would be a great advantage and also my father is a well-known expert in marketing,I’m sure I will benefits a lot from his experience.
VO:  OK.So that about if you cannot get visa this time.
ME of course I will never give up my dream ,I will definitely struggle for my future. But if I really cannot get it ,I will consider the best business programme in Aisa ,it’s u of melboure.But USA is my best choice.
VO: So tell me what your father and mother do。
ME: ok.~~~~~
VO: I’m still sorry this time that ..盖章
ME: Sir, would you mind telling me why ,I thought I ‘m a very competent student , what ‘s important is that I have a very genuine intention to study in the USA and my family have totally enough money for my study.
VO: I’m sorry .--------递东西出来的时候顿了一下说:I think the problem is your plan .
ME: Thanks ,but I think it’s a very feasible,Sir.
VO: 很真诚的说:Yes it’s feasible but not qualified for this f-1 visa ,然后说自己再好好想想。
ME: Have a nice day anyhow,sir
Vo: I’m sorry.
然后后面大厅对我的结果一片哗然,听到有人说“这还没过~~~~”,然后对大家笑笑~~ 出来,感觉自己比前面那些做得好多了~~~~想到前面那两个VO看也没怎么看他们直接问了常规问题就X了而且叫他们不用来了,自己觉得表现不错了~~已经尽力了  今天形式一般,探亲只有一个

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