ew information的新premise)

A. Marriage tends to cause people to engage less regularly in sports that involve risk of bodily harm.(A给了一个marriage cause people to liver longer的另一个原因,是新的premise,但是是weaken the conclusion,排除) 

B. A married person who has an unhealthy habit is more likely to give up that habit than a person with the same habit who is unmarried.(B选项可以看做是对premise2的延伸和加强,play with premise直接可以排除) 

C. A person who smokes is much more likely than a nonsmoker to marry a person who smokes at the time of marriage, and the same is true for people who drink alcohol immoderately.(C选项和conclusion没有任何关系,直接排除) 

D. Among people who marry as young adults, most of those who give up an unhealthy habit after marriage do not resume the habit later in life.(和B选项一样,D仍然是在对premise2进行加强,直接排除) 

E. Among people who as young adults neither drink alcohol immoderately nor smoke, those who never marry live as long as those who marry.(只剩下E了,正确答案,是一个新的premise,说明了婚姻并没有能让人们活的更久)

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