司的工资单和收入证明就可以,没有顾税单这一茬) (显然资料准备不完整,在这个时候,又让VO再一次失望,增加了一分疑问。Piscean这里也犯了一个错误,你既然没有税单,还有别的啊,要主动自己说出来,不要等着别人来问。)

Vo: Well, how can I believe that you earn that much?  You’ve just worked for 3 years.  Did you have the banking record, say, for year 2003? )(其实这个VO还不错,提醒piscean出示别的证据。)
Me: I didn’t take it with me as I thought the original payroll and income statement issued by my firm are sufficient for the application. (死马当活马医……心里狂郁闷狂后悔) )(果然被问到的另一份资料也没带)

Vo: (这次冷笑得更厉害了)These do not mean anything to me.  As long as you are in the firm, it’s easy for you to get this kinda certificate. )(再一次通过冷嘲热讽来试探piscean是否说的真话)
Me: XXX is a decent AMERICAN firm, how comes you think it will help me cheat the US Embassy? (我出离愤怒了))(piscean表现不错,终于表现出一个被侮辱说谎的人条件反射地护卫自己的人格尊严。)
Me: (不过我还没晕,开始主动进入另外一个议题)Would you like to see the bank certificate of my father’s savings?  I can also show you the historical records of the stock transactions. )(这个反映也非常好,既给VO下了台阶儿,又终于主动地提供些信息了,把VO往自己准备好的方向引。)

Vo: OK.  Where is the bank record? )(VO显然比较买帐,对piscean上面的反映应该还算满意)
Me: My father put most of him income in the stock market, as he’s been working abroad for six years and his salary was paid in USD. (这也是真的,我有2000到2005年的股市交易清单,今年年初钱被分成几次取出来,存入了银行,和存款证明上的日子是一致的)

Vo: (今天vo爱上了冷笑)His company directly transferred the money to stock market? )(股票市场是大批签证申请人用来解释大块资金入帐的办法,显然签证官们已经对这个解释很敏感了。)
Me:  No, he was paid by cash.  That was before year 1999 when he’s in XXX (国家名).  Later he returned to XXX working as the vice general manager.  Here’s his business card and the income statement issued by the company.

Vo: (指着证券公司打印盖章的明细交易单)In China, you can get this easily in the street. )(继续通过侮辱的方式来试探。)
Me: What? (我差不多要说ridiculous了)Haven't you seen the company stamp?

Vo: Ha, I can make one by myself here in China (我最看不惯他张口闭口China).  I’ve seen faked documents every day… It’s ridiculous (阿呸,他竟然先说了ridiculous))(继续宣泄自己的情绪,试探对方,给对方以压力。)
Me: This IS a REAL one and so is my payroll.  If you do not believe it, go ahead and call my company. )(表现很好,表达出不满,也表现出坦然但定,还提出验证的办法。)
冷场几秒钟,我赶紧接话:I’ve also brought a supporting letter issued by our firm.  It welcomes me back after graduation and I will join the company as an XXX.  I can show you if you’d like to take a look. )(既给VO下台阶儿,也提出自己新的证据,往自己准备还算充足的强项上引。)

Vo: OK. (竟然拿起来,逐字逐句地读,还把老板签名对着灯光看,把公司的水印信纸对着灯光照——显然已经完全不相信我))(这个VO看来还真是老

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