ME: (这个问题说实话我没怎么仔细想过,急中生智) There is no such policy in my company, it is just the personal guarantee from the boss.(没从根本上回答问题,人家VO问的是既然你不会回去,为什么公司要给你出这个supporting letter.)
VO: (不停摇头)ordinarily your company should pay….. (不满意,这个疑问没解释好,但是也不够就直接拒掉他,这个VO也比较有耐心,很认真)

VO: tell me how many you apply, how many admit and financial aid, and what are they? (开始审查学习目的)
ME: I applied for 5, three give me financial aid, Syracuse, Pittsburgh and Notre dame.

VO: show me your G score?
ME: here you are.

VO: (find a Canadian school on the score report list)What is that? (想验证一下fu是胡乱申请的,没太明确的学习目的,或许仅仅是为了奖学金)
ME: I took the test in year 2000, I just selected it randomly, how can I know which school I will apply then?(回答很好,诚实坦白,后面VO也很满意,不再追问了)

VO: What is your current salary?
ME: around 80,000 RMB.

VO: That is not a high salary in Beijing, will you return, 哼…(又绕回归国计划了,显然对于刚才的supporting letter非常不满意)
ME: The salary level of a state own enterprise can’t compare with foreign enterprise.(还是没能解答VO的疑问)

VO: So you will return to a state own enterprises with low salary? 哼…(轻蔑笑) (表现出不相信,其实也是等待fu来反驳)
VO: Normally people pursue MBA after 4-5 years work, why you just have only 2 years? (又采取不相信轻蔑的态度来重新试探fu,同时也给他申辩的机会)
ME: (不知该如何回答,又问了一个没准备的问题)Because I am excellent! (fu终于被激怒了,表达了信心)

VO: Excellent? (有点满意,想继续听下去)
ME: Yes, because I am excellent, the famous university gave me decent fellowship for my MBA study, it is very difficult for students, especially international students to get financial aid for MBA, that proves my excellence; and also I participated with two huge projects in my company, my boss will send to be in charge of a joint life insurance company. And the profit is quite huge, I can easily get high bonus if I assume the leading role…… (有些门了,表明在公司有些联系,表明了回来可能的机会)

VO: (不理我,玩电脑) (等待更有意义的东西)
ME: (感到我不能等死) Sir, a managing director from an American company, who has known many young executives in China, also knew me well. He wrote a support letter for, would you please take a look? (good try)

VO: (耸耸肩,做轻蔑状)
ME: I hope you can have a look(加重语气,同时递入letter) (终于表现出要回来的坚定自信)

VO: (终于转过身来,用了大概十秒时间浏览一边,依然面无表情)So you will attend his company after you graduate from MBA? (继续诱导,老辣)
ME: NO,no, no (不错,很坚定)

VO: (不理我,继续完电脑)
ME: (继续垂死挣扎)I can have more than 200, 000 RMB for annual income if I assume the manager level position, and there is a lot of material income; the bonus for the joint venture w

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