me tax, and the certificate of income issued by xxx (I tried my best to mention my company’s name, I hope it would help a little bit because of its good relationship with the US Consulate) (不错,回答得比较好)
(V nodded, I handed the documents in)

V: Your bank book? (继续寻找其他办法验证突然存款)
M: Here you are, but it didn’t show all the information you want, because not all of the money was in this account.
(Originally I didn’t prepare to bring them since I thought the book does not bear the necessary information, but fortunately I did, that’s something VO wanted, and it’s better that you have them with you.)

V: but it’s also from 2003.  (果然有问题)
M: yes, because the old one was full of records and was taken back by the bank.

V: What is your salary? (通过资金来源的方式来看karin是否说真话)
M: around xxx every month.

V: so where did you put your money? (显然对于karin的收入还满意,继续追问钱去哪里了)
M: in the stock market.

V: show me the print slip of the transactions.
M: sorry, I didn’t print that. (没打印就不能消除VO的怀疑)

V: and how about your parent’s money… they are also from 2003. (先放下karin的,又去看她父母的,结果有同样的问题)
M: the same story, they don’t usually put the big amount of money with the bank, the money was also in the stock market.

V: Show me the bank book.
M: I have the business license of my mother's private company…

V: no, I want to see the bank book.
M: OK, here you are, but again, it only has the information of the savings on the certificate.

V: ….
M: (I didn't hear very clearly) I’m not sure….

V: You told me you invest your money in the stock market for a better return, but you cannot name the stocks you bought? (这个VO 比较有耐心,选择另外的方式来解除疑问)
M: Sorry, I didn’t hear your question very clearly.  I bought xxx.

V: what was the price when you bought them?
M: about xxxx

V: what’s the price when you sold them out?
M: about xxx

V: what is the percentage of your return?
M: about xx percent (紧张的要命还让我作算术…)(通过这种快速问答来检验karin是否真地做股票)

V: what else did you buy? You only bought one stock?
M: actually this was the one I got biggest return, you know the stock market was not doing very well for the past months.

V: When did you start to invest in the stock market?
M: in 2001.
V: When did you start to work?
M: in 2000.

V: (probably she didn't hear clearly, and pointing the DS158) it shows you started your work in 2000.
M: I did say I started in 2000.
V: I thought you said in 2002.
M: No, it was in 2000.
V: I think you are qualified for a visa.

M: (惊魂未定,觉得刚才好像所有的问题都直指我的死穴…) so the interview is done?
V: what do I mean when I said you are qualified?
M: Thank you.
V: wait, can I have your I-20?
M: I think you have it, I submitted it with the forms.
V: but now you have it, I just gave it back to you.

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