) 他果 A will solely result in B. While B is a seemingly possible result of A, it is hardly the only one. The author omits the possibility of other alternative facts that …… It is entirely possible that .... It is equally possible that .... Moreover, perhaps ....
3) 错误类比 A is analogous to B in all aspects. It is clear that the author fails to take into account the possible differences between these two ……
4) 时地全等 X would remain unchanged over/since…(or at different locations) The fact that happened (n years ago) is not a sound evidence to draw a conclusion that …… In addition, it is possible that this trend will fluctuate or even reverse in the future.
5) 时序因果/无因果 B is due to A, just because B happened after A. There is no sufficient evidence to bolster the assumption that there is a cause-and-effect relationship between A and B.
6) 二者择一 A and B are mutually exclusive alternatives. Common sense and observation tell us that combining both A and B might achieve better effects.
7) 成本收益 the (construction) of XXX will solely bring some benefit such as …… This assumption fails to take into account the increase in cost and inefficiency that could result from XXX 
“a thorough cost-benefit analysis”
assume 现写  However + ……There is no sufficient evidence to bolster the assumption that …… There is, however, no guarantee that this is true, nor does the author provide any evidence to substantiate this assumption.
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