7.06 险险过
2005/7/7 0:30:00

终于到了可以写点东西感谢大家的时候了,虽然我这个人很糊涂,什么都不清楚的,还是在1000时过了.虽然惊险,也希望和大家分享一下,还有transfer我的good luck to you.
背景: FRESH本科毕业,XX大学MBA(没有工作经验),大学大概排名80,不算特别好,就是在加州地点还可以. 60%奖学金和TA
给我INTERVIEW的VO是金发的哥哥,戴眼镜,个人觉得他不苟言笑. 过程如下:
VO: So~~Miss X, what are you going to study in University XX?
ME: Master of Business Administration and Management.
VO: So it is MBA~~
ME: yes
VO: Why do you choose this school?
ME: I am always looking for a most effective way to improve myself, and UNIVERSITY XX\'s program is very special~~
VO:(interrupt) Why is it special?
ME: I am just about to tell you-- The program can increase my knowledge and my experience at the same time, and UNIVERSITY XX\'s program includes an internship, so it is suitable for me.
VO: where else did you apply to?
ME: ~~~~(list 4 schools)
VO: (looking at I20) your tuition fee is about 41,000 annually, and you have a scholarship and TA, so you have to cover about 17,000 per year, that is 34,000 for 2 years. And your parents are paying for you?
ME: yes, would you like to look at the bankbook and duty receipt?
VO: yes. (i handed to him)
VO: what is your father and what is your mother?
VO: How much does your father earn each month?
ME: about 8,000, and my mother\'s about 6000, that is together 14,000 a month.
VO: (frowning, and adding all the numbers on the bank certificate together, then plus 8,000), so you are telling me your father has been saving every penny for you for 5 years?
ME:(FAINT) pardon?(in fact I understood but I was just looking for time to consider the anwser)
ME: Some of the money was given by my grandfather when he passed away.
VO:( still frowning) How much can your grand father give your father? He must have endured the Culture Revolution(连这个都知道,更晕,想没希望了)
ME: But my grandfather was a very very famous doctor in my hometown.
VO: What will you do after your graduation?
ME:~~~(just finished the first part and would like to show him my most wonderful part)
VO: (interrupt) please go to window 12 to get your visa.
喜出望外啊, saying thank you twice. And after I picked up my documents, I said goodbye to him.
请大家从头到尾都表现都很有礼貌, 能表现出个人素养. 还有今天在签证大厅的感受--中国人的素质真是需要提高,都好吵好吵的, 太丢人了. 
大家看到了,其实中间我应该觉得没有希望了,但是不知道为什么,我也没有紧张,也没有分心去想我等会要去哪里重交签证费, 而是认真回答剩下的问题. 其实在问财

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