t. So you know this product? (主动出击开始见效了,从感情上找到了共同的话题)

V yes I used this product in US, so you produce it here?
Me: We produce Losyl here in Guangzhou and supply for the whole East Asia region, but since it very premium product and the price is very high, we did not sell it outside Guangzhou.

V en..mm (continue reading the booklet and suddenly he started to show one picture inside the booklet to his colleagues with smiling face)
V (back to the Window and point one of product to me) is this also your brand?
Me: Oh yes. This is one of our newly merged brand in US and we want to enter into US food market as well. So you tried this product before?

V yes very good product (seems he started to miss his motherland)
V (give me back the booklet)
Me: Actually I prepared a whole set booklet included copies of all my Visa application materials, so you can have a look. I marked the numbers on the first page and you can easily find out the detail documents inside. Also I have all the originals, so just let me know if you want to see. (hand in my fantastic and super booklet) (资料准备得非常详尽,并且方便VO阅读)

V (receive my booklet and checked the first page to see what inside)
V (silent, reading my booklet, and turn to page of my stock exchange records)
Me: That is all the hostorical record of my stock exchange in past 5 years

V (still silent, turn to the page of my working and payment certification) so you are working for Reckitt & Colman.
Me: Oh yes that is my working certification, which was signed by our HR Director in China. Overall we called ourselves Reckitt Benckiser to be in line with global organization. In China we have 2 plants and I am employed by Reckitt & Colman (GZ) Ltd..

V (continue reading my booklet) so who will pay the tuition?
Me: Myself (I am a little bit over-confident and even forget to mention the scholarship). I have been working for 8 years and my current salary is already in the top range level in China. However it still took me 5 years to save all these money to support my MBA studying in US. Really expensive program but I think it is worthwhile.

V (continue reading booklet)
Me: (waiting but keep eyesight on VO)
V (continue reading booklet)
Me: (feel a little bit too silent, so I decided to say something) Oh it has been raining for a couple of days, really bad weather. (不失时机的small talk)

V (continue reading booklet, even not look at me) en..mm
Me: you know this kind of weather is even worse for me.

V (continue reading booklet, now look at me) why?
Me: you know I am responsible for Mortein pesticide products, and the continuous rain almost killed all the mosquitoes here in Guangzhou. (非常出色的一个笑话,VO对他的印象简直就是A++啦)

V haha (with smiling face)
V Okay, let me to check whether you are in the SIEVS system or not, and please wait aside for a while and I’ll call you back.
Me: No problem. Thank you. (now I know I already got the Visa, although h

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