
NUS MIM 面经 [2021.06.11]

[日期:2021-06-21] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:1slaliu [字体: ]

申的单 MIM.


尽量自己找到简历里面有意思的点,想想可能会怎么问; 说的东西不要给自己挖坑哈哈哈哈,说自己有东西说的; 放轻松,我面之前紧张到看天龙八部缓解,但其实就是聊天,面试官都挺好的。

Admission office:

  1. Why do you choose your bachelor programme specially?
  2. Cultural differences between China and Italy (我本科在意大利读的) è examples of the rising Chinese cultural brand and recent trends?
  3. 几岁读的孙子兵法,what is your biggest takeaway from this book? (我的 motivation letter 有提到这本书)
  4. Why NUS, Why Singapore?

Programme director:

  1. Do you wish to go travelling abroad during the big lock down? è 聊到了我父母的跨行业经历,他说他们很勇敢(?)are you a brave person?
  2. Career plan (这里我有提到plan b, 他问我是否还参加过NUS其他面试,因为他们都会问这个问题,所以可能准备痕迹不要太明显?)è what to do to realize your goal? è How to do network? How to show you are worth for a possible opportunity?
  3. What is important to be successful in creative industry? è what does creative industry mean to China economy? è Does Chinese education system support the growth of creative industry?(父母和社会理不理解小孩选择学 fine arts, visual arts 之类的) (我本科和实习经历非常 focus on creative industry, 问了很多相关的问题)
  4. Tell me about your hiking experience in Alps? (我简历上有提到)

反问: 我问了专业男女比的问题,因为本人本科男女比 1:10,不愿再。。。

Back to admission office:
问申请的其他专业和 deposit deadlines.

整体感觉比较随意,director 说算上我,在 11 am 之前面了 7个,可以的话选早一点的 slot 可能面试官的状态会更好。




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