
OSU MSF 2020 fall Kira面经 [2020.01.24]

[日期:2020-03-05] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:ddkklla [字体: ]




  1. 大概意思就是我们为什么要在这么多candidate里选择你?
  2. If you have the opportunity to choose between multiple admission offer, what will be your determining factor?3. 假如你回到1990,你要怎么向当时的人解释online dating services?
  3. 关于你的最有趣的事情,没在application里提到过的。
  4. Based on your response to the previous question, what else should we know about you, as a person, before making our admissions decision?



  1. what opportunities would you take advantage of at Fisher SMF program this year?
  2. If you have the opportunity to choose between multiple admission offer, what will be your determining factor?
  3. outside of school and work, what activities do you dedicate most of your time into, why is it important?
  4. 基于上一问的回答,what skills can you bring to the Fisher classroom
  5. What skills are you looking to develop by pursuing the Fisher SMF program?
  6. Based on your previous response, why are you choosing Fisher this year? Why are you ready now?
  7. What experience has had the most significant impact on your personal outlook or perspective? Why?
  8. 关于你的有趣的事情
  9. Based on your response to the previous question, what else should we know about you, as a person, before making our admissions decision?
  10. What specifically interests you about the Fisher SMF program?
  11. If you had unlimited time, what would you devote yourself to other than school or work? why?
  12. 课堂和工作场合之外最大的 accomplishment
  13. 课余做了什么事去影响他人?
  14. Outside of school and work, what is something that is very important to you? Why is this important to you and how have you committed yourself to it?


  1. 你回到 1900 年,如何向当地人解释 TV 是啥?
    1. 回到 1990s,怎么介绍智能手机。
    2. 回到 1990s,怎么介绍 airplanes or air travels.
    3. 介绍电脑
    4. 介绍洗衣机
    5. 介绍email
  2. 介绍抗生素/吸尘器
  3. Sharing service (Didi, Uber)




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