
WUSTL MSSCM 面试 with Nate [2017-03-10]

[日期:2017-03-14] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:fearless123 [字体: ]

nate小哥很可爱有点害羞 他先自我介绍了一下 然后就开始问问题
面了33分钟 问题挺常规的 分享一下攒个人品 大家加油哦

  1. introduce yourself
  2. long term short term career goal
  3. why SCM and why do you think it's a good time to do MSSCM
  4. how do you learn about Olin and why Olin
  5. describe a time that you meet different opinions/ conflicts in the team
  6. during your intern, how do you get feedback from your boss
  7. describe a time that someone in your team was not contributing, how you solve the problem
  8. describe a time you have a deliver a bad news to supervisor/ professor/ authority
  9. what company or industry do you think influenced SCM industry and how
  10. imagine if you get admitted to all the programs that you applied, how would you choose
  11. if you are admitted by Olin, what club/ extracurricular activities are you planning to participate
  12. Q&A




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