USC MS in Marketing Kira 2024 Summer 面经
2024/4/11 15:18:07

USC 南加大,冲一下



Q1: Please tell us about a time when you learned something new about marketing and were immediately fascinated to learn more.  What motivated you to learn more?  What excited/excites you about the topic?  And how did you incorporate that into your personal, professional or academic life?

Q2: Please tell me about an experience where you were on a team that was struggling to determine a plan for moving forward. What role did you play to work with the team effectively to accomplish the objective, and what was the outcome?

Q3: Imagine you are working with a customer who is launching a brand-new product or service. They have asked you to create a proposal that leads them through your process and planning.

How would you go about researching this product or service to create an impactful proposal?
What are some of the risks or challenges that you feel you might face and how would you mitigate those risks or challenges?

Please answer to the best of your abilities in the time provided.  And you may choose whatever product or service you’d wish to answer this question.




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