verbal: 39 我震惊到无以复加(我真 nb)。欢欣鼓舞地出来,在等打印拿成绩单的时候,就特别特别想哭(终于感受到了喜极而泣)。强忍着直到走出电梯看到妈妈,嘴一撇就要哭了。本来我妈也在坐立不安地等我还拿着手机准备录视频,一看到我嘴一撇慌忙走上来想安慰我。然后等走近的时候我说了句:我考过了。这家伙给我妈高兴的哈哈哈哈哈。(这个场景我预演了好多次了终于实地上演了哈哈哈哈(我确实戏精)

ESR 我也不知道我怎么能极端成这个样子……数学也低出了新纪录……但好歹过了!: CR 95th,RC 5th,SC 77th

四、 学习方法

l 主要是 Verbal,Q 没咋学:

入门:OG —— 当然是最好的熟悉题型和考点的资料

SC: 用 prep 08 语法笔记搭建自己的语法体系,一定要分类总结!!!

有分层思维:第一层——绝对的结构错误,秒排(如,主谓的前后搭配);第二层:语义;第三层:是否与原文意思相符; 第四层:是否累赘 —— 正确选项是比出来的

平行:不是只要有 and,前后形式相同就平行,要考虑题目语义,尤其注意从句和先行词在从句中做的成分

Ex: Based on records from ancient Athens, each year young Athenian women collaborated to weave a new woolen robe that they used to dress a statue of the goddess Athena and that this robe depicted scenes of a battle between Zeus, Athena's father, and giants.


修饰:doing, SVO & SVO, doing 的修饰方式都了解吗?可以思考一下这道题

Ex. Among lower-paid workers, union members are less likely than nonunion members to be enrolled in lower-end insurance plans imposing stricter limits on medical services and requiring doctors to see more patients, and spend less time with each.

A. imposing stricter limits on medical services and requiring doctors to see more patients, and spend

B. imposing stricter limits on medical services , requiring doctors to see more patients, and spending

C. that impose stricter limits on medical services, require doctors to see more patients, and spend

D. that impose stricter limits on medical services and require doctors to see more patients, spending

E. that impose stricter limits on medical services, requiring doctors to see more patients and spending 


Ex. Today's technology allows manufacturers to make small cars more fuel-efficient now than at any time in their production history.

(A) small cars more fuel-efficient now than at any time in their

(B) small cars that are more fuel-efficient than they were at any time in their

(C) small cars that are more fuel-efficient than those at any other time in

(D) more fuel-efficient small cars than those at any other time in their

(E) more fuel-efficient small cars now than at any time in 

选了几题我自我感觉比较有代表性的有价值的题,如果你可以在 1:30 内快速答对并且清楚知道每个知识点,那么恭喜你,你的知识体系已经比较完善熟练了

SC 最后的状态应该是:读第

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