smiled to each other,哈,我也目光短浅一把) After working several years in consulting firm, i will start my own business in China, because i believe in the next 5-10 years, China will have a lot of exciting opportunities for us. (其实后来回想起来,创业不提也罢,太容易被VO Challenge)(MilanFan与签证官适时对视一笑,既表现了自己的真诚,也有些投其所好。)

V: Which kind of company will you start?
M: IT company. I have worked for technology industry for 6 years, and I have established strong relationships with many local clients, such as...

V: How can you pay the tuition?
M: I will use my personal savings to cover the first year tuition and expenses, and my parents will help me to cover most of the second year tuition and expenses. While i also need around $10,000 loan from Michigan. Do you want to see my bank statements?

V: Sure
M: (Give all the documents, with a summary table on the top, bank statements in the middle, and a cv at the bottom) (MilanFan材料准备非常详尽。)

v: (Go through all the docs)What's your parents job?
M: They are professors in XXX university.

V: (finally landed on my cv)
M: you can see i've worked 7 years, and most of my clients are local clients. (停顿了一会,为了避免冷场,抛出了第一个杀手锏) Actually I applied 6 top MBA programs, and got four offers, they are... Finally I selected Michigan because i think Michigan fits me the best. (MilanFan这招是为了证明自己学习目的非常明确。)

v: emm... (开始在我的I-20上画圈)
M: (正在思考下一步的对策)

v: (给了一个蓝条)please go to window 10 to get your visa.
M: (这就完了,我还有几个杀手锏没使出来呢?) Thanks you very much! (Smile)


V good morning
Me: good morning, sir

V so you are going to Duke …
Me: yes I will go to Fuqua School of Business to pursue my MBA degree, and it is a 2-year full-time program.

V oh, I see. Where are you working now?
Me: I am working for Reckitt Benckiser (interrupted…)

V Re-cki-tt Ben-cki-ser? (VO have no idea about my company, it is a good chance for me to lead the interview now) (迭戈很老辣地寻找到主动出击的机会)
Me: Yes Reckitt Benckiser. We are the No.1 household Cleaning Products Company in the world and our headquarter is based in UK now. Here I bring a booklet with me and you can have a look. (not wait for the response I already picked up our Annual Report Booklet and handed in) (准备非常细致,猜想到签证官可能对他们公司不太了解,连介绍公司的资料都带来了)

V (silent and reading the pages of the booklet and suddenly he seemed found a new continent) is Losyl your brand?
Me: yes Losyl is one of the hero brand of our company, it is a super-quality disinfect surface cleaner, one of our premium produc

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